PostDoc at University of Bologna
Hi there! I am an evolutionary biologist / bioinformatician, currently a post-doc at University of Bologna, Italy.
I am interested in studying how different traits evolve and the interplay between the phenotipical level and the underlying molecular one. To do so I leverage different frameworks such as phylogenetic comparative methods, RNA-seq and comparative genomeics.
Take a look at my twitter and github!
This is my scholar profile, but here’s a list of the papers I enjoyed the most:
A novel and exciting genus of Australian stick insect is described
Shared signatures of the shift to endosymbiosis (WIP)
A phylogenetic approach to eDNA baits design (WIP)
Disecting the molecular groundplan of an ant-plant interaction (WIP)
Workshop I organized:
Societies I like and I am a member of: ESEB/SIBE/SSE/SSB/SMBE/TSA.
I also enjoy a wide range of music.